Fund Our Programs

Did you know that many of our events and programs are funded by generous donations from our community and members?

There are many ways to support Or Hadash, including volunteering and making donations. Any amount you donate is appreciated and will help a wide range of events and programs. If you have any questions, please call (973) 627-4500 or contact us to discuss your donation.

Many people donate gifts and money in multiples of $18 ($18, $36, $54…$180, etc.). This tradition comes from the numerical value of the Hebrew word for Life, “Chai.” By donating in multiples of $18, the donor is symbolically wishing for or bestowing a ‘good life’ on the recipient. Of course, any amount a person donates is a mitzvah (good deed), so please donate what feels appropriate to you!

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Donation Total: $18.00