Family Shabbat Experience

Join us December 8, 6:00PM, for our monthly Family Shabbat (and Hanukkah!) experience!

We’ll have a brief participatory service in English & Hebrew, using a special translated and transliterated siddur, so that everyone can follow along.

After services, we’ll have a casual, kid-friendly Shabbat dinner (with Latkes!), with some rituals and songs. It’s an inspiring, educational, and enjoyable experience for all ages.

Join us for a fun Friday night Shabbat experience. You don’t need to have kids to join us, and non-Jewish spouses are welcome.  

Upcoming dates:

December 8 (Click here to RSVP!)
January 12
February 9
March 8
April 12

Requested Donation: $18/Person – $54max/family