In-Person Kabbalat Shabbat Service & Talk: March 25, 7:00PM

“Our Responsibilities to non-Jews:
A Brief Look at Jewish Perspectives in an Age of Refugees”

There are 26 million refugees in the world – more than half are children.

With the crisis in Ukraine, we are once again confronted with the challenge of refugees. But the problem has never gone away. In many parts of the world, people are displaced from their homes by war, famine, plague, oppression. As Jews, how should we respond? Israel is seen as a haven for Jews, but what about non-Jews? What are our moral responsibilities to non-Jews? How does a Jewish state (or Jews in other states) balance our internal concerns with our responsibilities to others?

We have been safely gathering in-person for over a year, and now we are holding a special Kabbalat Shabbat program once a month. An opportunity for fellowship as well as spiritual and intellectual uplift. (There will also be limited refreshments!)

Come back & once again feel the warmth of our congregation.

Registration is not required – all are welcome!

Also available to view on Zoom by clicking here.